The Brand


Declaration of spontaneity and truth. This means leading the taste experience in Tuscany, with authoritative strategic management. Decisive foundations between paradigms of elegance. Through its work, TET describes the same care of families, producers, oenologists, chefs and experts in the dedication of that “know-how” profession, of “giving voice” to talent. Enhancing services and meaningful conversations around the culture of Tuscan food and wine, from tasting and experimenting with Tuscan specialties, among the finest in the world, to the synaesthesia of an emotional experience, which nourishes the body and satisfies the perception, in the broadest sense of the term . Connections. Opportunity. Agility. TET has commissioned talented and exclusive Tuscan artisans to create small tasting ‘sets’ capable of harmonizing the moment of experimenting with flavors, with the elaboration of memories, becoming the only reference interlocutor among a multitude of producers, guarateeing a path of quality and charm among the sensory, tactile, visual and olfactory pleasures of Tuscan good taste. It is gratitude, it lives for that priceless feeling of appreciation and love for what is recognized as ‘home’. It is nourished by the authentic passion for the place where one was born, by the
tranquility of a happy place that inspires and welcomes, which has guided the founding members towards a creative intuition of restitution. TET is an emblem of innovation and change in the Brand Ambassador system in the sector, but without losing sight of the human and social side, corporate ethics. For this reason it is among the ‘Donor Company’ of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation, a philanthropic body born from the will of a Tuscan artist, tenor and singer, with the intention
of giving voice to life’s difficulties by supporting national and international projects dedicated to overcoming barriers such as poverty and social exclusion.

The Products


Tuscany not only produced the illustrious figures of Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Macchiavelli, Buontalenti, Dante, Donatello, Brunelleschi or Giotto, undisputed Tuscan geniuses, but it was also able to combine the exceptional nature of the individuals to the heritage of the community, of a people capable of ‘making’, creating handcrafted products and culinary excellence in their uniqueness. Passing by the Uffizi Gallery, walking along the Ponte Vecchio, dominated by the marvelous Vasari Corridor, reaching the Boboli Gardens, migrating towards the Roman theater of Fiesole means walking while breathing in the beauty, but also, in the same way, it means crossing the workshop-studios of artisans. From leather masters who use only wood extracts for the slow and very ancient process of vegetable-tanning, to the cutlers of Scarperia who give shape to fascinating artifacts between the smell of olive-wood, horns and iron. Many are the raw materials to produce art: ceramics, sandstone, marble, alabaster. Extra virgin olive oil, Lardo di Colonnata, Saffron from San Gimignano, Panforte and Ricciarelli from Siena, Cantucci di Prato, Pecorino from Pienza, Cinta Senese cured meats, excellent wines such as Brunello di Montalcino, Sassicaia, Morellino di Scansano, Vernaccia di San Gimignano, Nobile di Montepulciano, Chianti Classico and liqueurs including Vinsanto, Alchermes and many others. Here are just some of the Tuscan delicacies that by memory and tradition mark the outstanding passages of an ancient story capable of projecting itself into the future, by crossing tactile and visual paths, flavors and aromas that choose teaching words, and find experience in the story.TET is the stance taken in regards to the ‘geographical economics’, pointing to the origin of the product, to the sensitivity of its history, for a new narration of the ‘made in’. Initiative. Quality. Determination. This is the identity of the made in Tuscany, essential values for excelling in Italy and in the world,in the various sectors of Luxury Food, which give agri-food products strength, fame and a healthy recognition. Among agriculture, tourism, cultural heritage, the environment, the well-being and cuisine, a “taxonomy of values” of unparalleled appeal emerges. Here, the inspiration of ‘Micheline star winning’ chefs such as Massimo Bottura, Gualtiero Marchesi and Ernst Knam, draws from the Tuscan food&wine excellence to transform the inebriating genius into ‘divine taste’.

The Territory – Tuscany


TET is an acronym that encompasses three words. Words capable of leading those who have the curiosity, the gaze and the desire of the explorer, those who feed on beauty and experimentation. Tuscany Excellence Taste: the encounter of all the peculiarities that have always distinguished the identity and the intimate feeling of a territory. With the desire to make Tuscany known, the land inhabited by the Etruscans, ‘la Tuscia’. Among the hills, villas and farms, the villages heralded by cypresses, outline the moving countryside of the hinterland. The coasts and the islands enhance the harmony of that “breath that turns towards the sea”, in the shade of the pine trees and the taste of the sea-air, alternating natural suggestions with wild visions that amplify the feeling of the soul of those who come to Tuscany, and can let themselves be inebriated with the true scent of beauty and secular culture. Entering the cities it is the ‘knowledge of knowledge’ that leads the individual, the sensation is one of discovery, of intimacy, of potential. In every single Tuscan city you can feel the passing of the ages (o eras) and participate in the great artistic events that occur daily. Florence “Cradle of the Renaissance”, Siena “City of the Palio”, Pisa “With its Leaning Tower”, San Gimignano “The Manhattan of the Middle Ages” and still, places like Pienza, the Val d’Orcia, the countless Villas of the Medici family with their parks, are just some of the showpieces of this immense legacy. Since 1982 these locations have been declared World Heritage Sites. Treasure-cities where artworks and architecture of infinite beauty lie, and where time offers experiences unique to the world. Tuscany Excellence Taste is uniqueness that becomes the spokesperson for an already solid, unique and inimitable brand: ‘Tuscany’. Among the many publications and international awards that constantly enhance this ‘seal of guarantee’ we include Forbes, the New York Times, the Wine Spectator, Gambero Rosso and the Michelin Guide.

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