
15,45 IVA inclusa



Panforte is a sweet that has very ancient origins: the first written evidence dates back to the year 1000. At that time it was called Christmas Bread or Aromatic Bread or Pan Pepatus

The preparation was entrusted to the Guild of doctors and apothecaries of Siena and was intended exclusively for the nobles, the rich and the clergy in consideration of the fact that it contained, in addition to the cedar orange and melon and almonds, very expensive drugs and spices for those times . Over time, the Panpepato did not undergo substantial changes and the ingredients remained more or less the same, until 1879, the year in which Queen Margherita visited the city of Siena.

For the occasion, an apothecary prepared a panforte without the melon dressing and with a covering of vanilla sugar instead of black pepper. The Sienese offered it to the queen as “Panforte Margherita”, the name with which this more delicate “white” panforte is still known and marketed today.

Energy 379 kcal / 1588 kJ
Fat 16 g
of which Saturated Fatty Acids g 1.2
Carbohydrates 57 g
of which Sugars g 47
Protein 6.4 g
Salt g 0.02

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