Ragù di “Chianina IGP”

6,54 IVA inclusa


Ragu of the Tuscan tradition, made with IGP meat in the Consortium of White Vitellone dell’Appennino Centrale.

Pici, tagliatelle and penne are just fine.

INGREDIENTS: tomato pulp, 35% Chianina breed IGP “Vitellone Bianco dell’Appennino Centrale” beef, 100% Italian extra virgin olive oil, red onions, red wine, carrots, celery, parsley, salt, black pepper.

INGREDIENTS: chopped tomatoes, “Vitellone Bianco dell’Appennino Centrale” PGI Chianina Breed beef 35%, 100% Italian extra virgin olive oil, red onions, red wine, carrots, celery, parsley, salt, black pepper.

AVERAGE NUTRITIONAL VALUES PER 100g OF PRODUCT: Energy 606 kj (146 Kcal) – Fats 12.2g (of which saturated 3.2g) – Carbohydrates 3.4g (of which sugars 3.4g) – Proteins 5.7g – Salt 0. 86g.

NUTRITION INFORMATIONS QUANTITY PER 100g: Energy 606 kj (146 Kcal) – Fat total 12,2g (saturated 3,2) – Carbohydrate 3,4g (sugars 3,4g) – Protein 5,7g – Sodium 0,86g.

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